analyzing instrument

Study on Measuring and Analyzing Instrument for Power Parameters based on DSP technology
Study on Analyzing Instrument of Pressure System for Fully-mechanized Mining
A Study Based on Virtual Instrument 's Parameters Measuring and Analyzing Instrument for Electrical Power Drawing System
Virtual Signal Analyzing Instrument of Multi - parameter
Design of intelligent clinical electrolyte analyzing instrument
The Development of Voice Signal Pretreatment System of Larynx Dynamic Observing and Analyzing Instrument
On the Analyzing Instrument of Legal Modernization
Strain gauge is adopted here as sensor and also dynamic analyzer as analyzing instrument .
Development of Unified Oxygen Analyzing Instrument for Fume
A virtual signal analyzing instrument of multi-parameter was developed based on VC + + .
Developing on Main Control System of Larynx Dynamic Observing and Analyzing Instrument Based on a Single-chip Microprocessor
CPLD Application in Biology Analyzing Instrument
Constructing a system of analyzing instrument of this concept is the basic way to push this proposition forward .
CMS-200 / 300 is the most advanced core physical characteristics analyzing instrument in the world .
The static method based on vector net analyzing instrument and the dynamic method ground on the technology of spreading spectrum is discussed .
This paper introduces the analyzing instrument , which uses double operation system and can test the exhaust trig capability of cars .
It can be used to design the particle analyzing instrument , to improve the particle analyzing method and to seek new ways of raising accuracy .
The traditional ways for glucose monitoring are realized by extracting blood from people and measuring the blood by large biochemical analyzing instrument or small blood glucose watch .
The examination result calculated in computer based on wavelet denoise is more repeatable and more believable , which supply a theory guidance for the upgrade of Physiological Parameters Monitoring and Analyzing Instrument .
The paper has designed a kind of potable heart sound analyzing instrument based on embedded computer and has achieved the following functions : acquit heart sounds , capture and display current heart sound signals ;
The moisture probe and infrared analyzing instrument both conform to the design requirement , and consecutive inspection of H2O 、 CO 、 CO2 can be carried out for the primary helium circuit .
At the same time , the author does a deal of investigating and studying in choosing system equipments , the main system equipments are chassis dynamometer and emission analyzing instrument , speed and stress sensor and so on .
Determination of carbon content in the catalyst of coal liquifaction by method of HF - IR using HIR - 944 type carbon sulphur analyzing instrument is described . The test condition of flux and flow rate of oxygen etc.
The ultimate goal of this project is to develop the larynx dynamic observing and analyzing instrument system and the computer software and hardware system with the function of the voice acoustic analysis and the glottal image analysis that based on the virtual instrument technique .
Research and Application of Temperature Control System of Gene Amplifing and Analyzing ( PCR ) Instrument
In this paper , the software and hardware design and realize way was put forward in developing mobile signaling instrument using USB interface , by analyzing the data gathering demand of mobile telecommunication signaling monitoring and analyzing instrument .